Date: 2025.05.31
Place: Tápiószentmárton, Kincsem Lovaspark, Hungary
Organised by: Angol és Ausztrál Pásztorkutya Klub Egyesület

  • 2025-03-28
  • 2025-05-15
    Entry deadline
  • 2025-05-31
    Day of show
Deadline to modify online entries: 2025-05-15


The Champion Parade exclusive program will be organised after selecting BIS. This program is the celebration of the CHAMPIONS.
Only Junior or Adult Champions can be entered.
Dogs will be not judged and there will be no selections. Participating dogs will come individually to the ring, make a lap of honour and stand in the ring while he/ she is introduced professionally to the audience telling the name and titles. All participants of this program will be featured on one individual page in the Champion Parade magazine with picture, name, parents, results and will receive a rosette.
This program gives possibility to introduce the not actively shown Champions also.
We are waiting the information of the entered dog to this e-mail address: serik.aq@gmail.com

Please send 1 good quality picture, name of the dog, parents, show and other results, name of the owner, contact

Entry fees

1. Entry deadline 2025-05-15
1. dog 20 EUR
2. dog 20 EUR
3. dog 20 EUR
More dogs 20 EUR

Additional entry fees

Dog replacement fee: 10 EUR

Breeds to enter

Breeds recognised by the FCI
FCI Nr. Breed name Breed name [FCI]
38 Welsh Corgi Cardigan Welsh Corgi Cardigan
39 Welsh Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi Pembroke
88 Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog
156 Collie Rough Collie Rough
271 Bearded Collie Bearded Collie
287 Australian Cattle Dog Australian Cattle Dog
293 Australian Kelpie Australian Kelpie
296 Collie Smooth Collie Smooth
297 Border Collie Border Collie
342 Australian Shepherd Australian Shepherd
367 Miniature American Shepherd Miniature American Shepherd

Show statistics

Group Breed name Breed name [FCI] Sex Number of entries
I. Welsh Corgi Cardigan Welsh Corgi Cardigan Bitch 1
I. Welsh Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi Pembroke Male 1
I. Welsh Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi Pembroke Bitch 1
For entry, please log in!
Entry deadline (1.)
Show - Identification 744